Reflections , Communities, and Communications
In my last post as June’s Monthly Mentor, I would like to encourage each of you to reflect on your practice and ask yourself:
- What accomplishments make me most proud?
- Where do I want to make improvements in teaching and learning?
- How can I build community with like-minded teachers?
I am proud of my students’ abilities to self-direct, question, collaborate, persevere, pace, build knowledge, and reflect through their artmaking. This summer, I will be improving my choice-based art curriculum by planning discussions on constructing meaning and making connections with the contemporary art world. The Minneapolis NAEA conference has provided me with good resources to start this essential work.
As for community, I have two supportive art education groups. The first is comprised of elementary art teachers in my district. We meet monthly to share curriculum and strategies specific to our community. The second group, Teaching for Artistic Behavior (TAB), is comprised of choice-based colleagues. We meet daily in our online Yahoo forum, at regional TAB seminars, and annually at NAEA. You can find like-minded colleagues online through the NAEA Ning communities and related art educator list servs. It’s safe, fun, and you will discover good ideas for improved learning in your classroom.
You may even realize that, through online posts, you enjoy writing! This is how I built up courage to write a book on choice-based art education with Kathy Douglas. Kathy and I examined every aspect of choice-based teaching and learning so we could present this pedagogy clearly and accurately. The journey was long and arduous; ultimately we are very pleased with our book, Engaging Learners Through Artmaking. Our publisher, Teachers College Press, has been extremely supportive throughout the entire process. Once you start posting online, you may also become inspired to write for other venues.
I’d like to extend my sincere appreciation to Linda Scott and NAEA for this exceptional opportunity to communicate with all of you. I look forward to upcoming Monthly Mentors – perhaps you will be one of them!
Diane Jaquith
Burr Elementary School
Newton, MA
[email protected]