Creating Connections, Part II, for You!
At the beginning of February, I wrote a post called "Be Out There – Creating Connections!" In that post, I discussed the importance of creating connections with your school community, students, parents & administrators.
Here…let’s talk about how you can create connections with other like-minded people -- one of the BEST places to do this is your State Art Education Conference or Convention. Another event where you will meet amazing people and create connections is the National Art Education Convention, which is coming up in April. I am sure many of you have attended a State Conference. Have you been to the NAEA Convention? If not, make yourself a promise; get to at least one in the next few years. It is worth it! Save the money and make the travel plans…it is even worth writing those sub plans! You will meet truly amazing people from ALL over the country, who teach in every different teaching situation you can imagine! You will create connections and make life-long friends! Click the image below to check it out!
So, where can you turn if you are looking to create connections NOW? I would like to suggest a few places where you can create connections online. As an Elementary Art Educator I encourage you to check out the new NAEA Elementary Division Community Network. This community sponsored by NAEA, links teachers with a common bond: young children and art. Thanks go out to Rosie Riordan, NAEA Elementary Division Director & Bob Reeker, NAEA Elementary Division Director Elect for getting this community started. It is growing every day, 65 members and counting! Click the image below to check it out!
If you are looking for an Art Ed community that focuses more on technology, I encourage you to check out Art Ed 2.0. Craig Roland who teaches graduate & undergraduate art education classes at the University of Florida started this community. You can read Craig’s articles in School Arts Magazine. Click the image below to check it out!
A new blog to hit the scene last year is The Teaching Palette - Perfecting the Art of Education written by Hillary Andrlik & Theresa McGee. They focus on arteducationology, or the study or art education. Their “big three” content specialties include 1) classroom management, 2) music + art integration and 3) teacher-authored product reviews. Click the image below to check it out!
You might already know Artsonia as an online gallery, where you can publish your children’s artwork, but did you know it is also one of the best new places to find LESSON PLANS!?! Artsonia has added lots of cool new features that benefit the entire community of art educators -- including viewer comments, power authors, and of course new lesson plans every day! Take a look, you will find great lesson plans you can use with your students (K – 12), then take a few minutes to become part of the community and add a lesson plan of your own. You can even sign-up to receive new lesson plans each week. Click the image below to check it out!
Keep that promise and make plans to attend the NAEA Convention! Until then, I hope you will check out the communities I have mentioned here and create connections with other art teachers that can help you grow as an educator!